Monday, October 19, 2009

A Quick and Easy Step-by-Step : How To Make Batik

Step One

Step 1

The first wax is applied over the penciled-in outline of the pattern. Almost always the original cloth is white or beige.
Step 2

Step 2

The cloth is dyed in the first dye bath. In this case the first dyebath is indigo blue. The area of the cloth where the wax was applied in Step 1 will remain white.
Step 3

Step 3

Second application of wax is applied. In this case it is a dark brown color. A poorer quality of wax is used to cover larger areas of cloth. The darker color helps to differentiate it from the first wax applied. Any parts that are covered with this wax application will remain the indigo color.
Step 4

Step 4

The cloth is dyed in the second dye bath. In this case it is a navy blue. Any areas that are not covered by wax will become dark blue.
Step 5

Step 5

All the wax that has been applied thus far is removed. This is done by heating the wax and scraping it off and also by applying hot water and sponging off the remaining wax.
Step 6

Step 6

Wax is applied to the area of the fabric that the artist wishes to remain the indigo blue color.

Step 7

Step 7

Wax is applied to the area of the fabric that the artist wishes to remain white.
Step 8

Step 8

The fabric is submerged in the final dye bath. In this case it is brown. Any areas of the cloth that have not been covered with wax will become brown.
Step 9

Step 9

The finished cloth after all of the wax has been removed.
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The Wax

Wax is the material used to batik. The wax is not "lost", until it is removed during the final process, when the cloth is turned into an ornamented textile. The following describes the wax:
1. Wax Types and Mixtures
There are many qualities of wax used in batiking. The quality particularly affects the power of absorbing, the base color of cotton fabric, degree of liquidity, and so forth. Therefore, the price is also variable. But in use, our need is paramount.
The types of wax are:

a. Beeswax - The wax is obtained from separation of the waxy cells of the honeycomb from the bees' eggs through boiling
b. Klanceng Beeswax - the wax from the klanceng bee obtained in the same manner as above
c. Timur Wax - the best type; source and composition unknown
d. Sedang Wax - source and composition unknown

e. White Paraffin - factory-made, obtained from petroleum.
f. Yellow Paraffin - factory-made, obtained from petroleum
g. Songkal Paraffin - factory-made, obtained from petroleum, black
h. Keplak - an additive kind of fruit
i. Gandarukem - (resin) and additive
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Monday, October 12, 2009

Canting (Stylus)

As we've already known, canting is the most important thing in batik tulis process. Without the canting, you can't call your result as Batik. Of course, there are important parts of the canting itself. Also, there's a lot of canting type based on the function, the size of the spout and the number of spouts. But before we learn this, we must know what IS canting itself.

So, what is canting?

The canting is the primary utensil used in the batik process which determines whether the results of the work may be called batik or not. The canting is used to write (draw with liquid wax), making the batik motifs desired. It is made of copper. Copper has the quality of lightness, is easily bent, and is strong, though thin.

Parts of Canting

1. Gagang Terong
The Gagang Terong is the tail end of the canting utensil, placed on the back, to be appended to the real handle. Gagang = stem; terong is the name of the trumpet-flowered or Solanaceae species (eggplant)
2. Nyamplungan
The nyamplunga is the main part of the canting, the body or basin. It is used to scoop the liquid wax out of the wajan (pan) just before batiking. It is called nyamplungan because its form and size reminiscent of the nyamplung, a small round fruit like a ball (Rhegma family)
3. Carat or Cucuk
The carat or cucuk is the part formed like a bent pipe which forms the channel through which the liquid wax in the basin passes intin the cloth in the batik process. Cucuk actually means a bird's beak. Carta is a drinking vessel.


1. By function:
a. The Rengrengan Canting
This canting is used to draw the initial figuration or outlines- i.e the rengrengan. Performing this work is called ngrengreng. The  pattern followed in this initial figuration is in copy of a specimen. Rengrengan can also be interpreted as framework. Usually the Renrengan Canting is used to make this framework (i.e the outline), whereas the fill-in (isen) of the field is batiked with the Isen Canting in accordance with the details desired. The resultant batiked cloth shows the pattern in either outline or, when filled-in, the entire motif. The Rengrengan canting has a medium-sized, single spout.

b. The Isen Canting
The Isen canting is a stylus used in filling-in the field with complementary motifs. It has a small spout and may have one or more sprouts.

2. By the size of the spout:
a. Small-spouted canting
b. Medium-spouted canting
c. Large-spouted canting

3. By the number of spouts:
a. Cecekan Canting
The Cecekan Canting has one small spout, used to make small dots. Making small dots with this tools is called "nyeceki". The cecekan Canting may also be used to draw little lines.
b. Loron Canting
The world loron derives from 'loro' which is the number 2. This stylus has two spouts, one on top oh the other, used to make double lines.
c. Telon Canting
The word telon derives from 'telu' which is the number 3. This stylus has three spouts in triangular placement. When it used to batik, small triangles formed of three dots appear in the fill-in.
d. Prapatan Canting
The word prapatan derives from the word 'papat' which is the number 4. Therefore, this canting has four spouts, used to make the four corners of a square to fill-in the field.
e. Liman Canting
The world liman derives from the word 'lima' which is the number 5. The stylus has five spouts to make small squares formed of four corner dots with one dot in the centre.
f. Byok Canting
The Byok Canting is a stylus which has 7 or more spouts, used to form small dotted ellipses; the number of dots determined by the number of spouts or the size of the ellipse. The spouts of the Byok canting are ordinarily odd in number.
g. Renteng/Galaran Canting
The word galaran derives from 'galar' which is a sleeping mat made from bamboo split lengthwise. Renteng is a series sof something placed paralelly; a method of connecting or combining through pricking. A Renteng or Galaran Canting has always an even number of spouts, four to six, laid from bottom to top.
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Friday, October 9, 2009

Printed Batik (Batik Cap) Equipment

These days, we can found any kind of Batik. One of them is Printing Batik (Batik Cap). Printing Batik is a Batik that is made using printing tool. It is different from the Traditional Batik because Traditional Batik uses canting. The equipments for making printing Batik are:

a. Mattress (Bantalan
It is made from cotton that is wrapped with cloth, functions as mori cloth layer that will be printed.

b. Table cloth (Taplak)
It is made from cotton cloth function as mattress layer.

c. Stove (Kompor)
Made from iron by using wick, function as the fire when melting malam candle.

d. Big Anglo
It is made from earthenware, function as a fire place in which in the middle, stove is put to protect fire from the wind so that fire can burn still.

e. Table
It is made from wood, function to put mattress.

It is made from iron and forms as a frying pan with flat base and has a diameter 40 cm, functions as a candle place when being heated.

g. Angsang
It is made from copper with the surface of plaited line which is put on loyang. The function is a basic layer on loyang surface.

h. Rough Serak and Soft Serak
They are made from cotton cloth with the form like gauze, function as layer on angsang to put the print when taking

i. Londo
Like small container containing water and ash, function to wet the mattress in order to be wet when it will be used to put mori to be printed.

j. Printing Tool
It is made from copper with iron combination with a surface of batik motive. This tool is to put malam candle with batik motive on mori surface.
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Friday, October 2, 2009

Today is Batik Day!

Yes, it's clearly stated! Today, Indonesia is celebrating Batik day because of UNESCO’s decision to include batik in its list of "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity" items (and of course, stating that Batik is Indonesian's culture), as I've stated in our previous posts. Here's the full news about it:

Employees of state-owned companies and government institutions have for years adhered to a tradition of wearing batik on every Friday of the week.
But today is special because President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called on all Indonesians to wear batik on that day to celebrate UNESCO’s decision to include batik in its list of "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity" items.
"Batik is regarded as a cultural icon with its own uniqueness. It conveys certain symbols and a profound philosophy, including man’s life cycle,  and it has been touted  by Indonesia as a non-material element of its cultural heritage," Coordinating Minister for people’s welfare Aburizal Bakrie told a press conference at Bogor State Palace on Sept. 7, 2009.
"We’ve been told that batik has been recognized as an element of global cultural heritage produced by Indonesians. The President has called on all Indonesians to wear batik on Oct. 2, to celebrate batik," the minister said.
Indonesia’s Batik, together with the Tango of Argentina and Uruguay, the traditional Ainu dance of Japan and France’s Aubusson tapestries were among the 76 elements inscribed on 30 September in UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, WAM, the United Arab Emirates’ news agency, reported on Wednesday.These 76 inscriptions were decided by the 24 Member States of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Heritage, currently holding its 4th session in Abu Dhabi, from Sept. 28 to Oct. 2, 2009,  under the chairmanship of Awadh Ali Saleh Al Musabi of the United Arab Emirates.
UNESCO (United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization)’s list describes Indonesian Batik as: The techniques, symbolism and culture surrounding hand-dyed cotton and silk garments known as Indonesian Batik permeate the lives of Indonesians from beginning to end: infants are carried in batik slings decorated with symbols designed to bring the child luck, and the dead are shrouded in funerary batik.
The president’s call for batik dress has been supported by regional heads in a number of provinces and district, such as the Jakarta Governor, the East Java governor, and the Cirebon district head.
Earlier, on September 25, Jakarta Governor  Fauzi Bowo had issued an official appeal to  all Jakarta residents to wear Batik on October 2.
"Students, people who work in hotels and bars as well as those who work for private companies are also urged to wear Batik although there will be no sanctions if they fail to do so," said Aurora Tambunan, deputy for cultural and tourism affairs to the Jakarta governor, recently. 
UNESCO has already acknowledged the Keris (ceremonial dagger) and the Wayang (puppet show) as part of Indonesia`s cultural heritage. "Traditional music instruments namely Angklung and Gamelan are also in the process of being registered with UNESCO," Aurora said.
In the spirit of supporting Jakarta residents who wear Batik on October 2, the Jakarta city government would give special discounts to those entering recreation centers  in the city. "Museums run by the Jakarta regional government will give free tickets in the period October 3-7, 2009 only for those who wear Batik," chief of Jakarta city’s culture and tourism office, Arie Budhiman, said.
Among the museums to give free tickets are the Jakarta History Museum, Ceramic and Art Museum, Maritime Museum, Joeang Museum, MH Thamrin Museum and Textile Museum. "We will also distribute  Batik pins among visitors wearing Batik to the museums," Arie added.
On October 5, Ragunan Zoo would  give free tickets only to those who come wearing batik dress. On the same day, Ancol recreation park will give a 50-percent discount on tickets at its main gates, Atlantis and Gelanggang Samudera park.  Dunia Fantasi would  also give a 40-percent discount on the same day.
Batik, which has been developed for centuries particularly on Java Island, is cloth which traditionally uses a manual wax-resist dyeing technique.  But, thanks to modern advances in the textile industry, the term has been extended to include fabrics which incorporate traditional batik patterns.
Some scholars believe that batik was originally reserved as an art form for Javanese royalty in Central Java around Yogyakarta and Solo under the patronage of the Sultan and his court.  But, other scholars disagree and believe that batik was prevalence even to the common folk.

It was regarded an important part of a young ladies accomplishment that she be capable of being able to skillfully hand draw batik using the canting (the pen-like instrument used to apply wax to the cloth).  Batik or fabrics with the traditional batik patterns are also found in several countries such as Malaysia, Japan, China, India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Nigeria, Senegal and Singapore.
But, unlike in other countries, Indonesia is particularly very proud of its batik which is considered as formal dress in official functions.  Batik are usually made of cotton or silk, which are comfortable to wear. And this benefits not only Indonesians, but also some foreign diplomats who prefer to use batik, and avoids suits, amidst Indonesia’s heat.
The government, through some of its agencies concerned, was giving special attention to batik makers as part of the efforts to perpetuate and  develop the Batik trade. The government, according to Cultural and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik, has provided the batik-making industry with assistance in the form of low-interest credits and  training in production processes and design making in several potential areas across Indonesia.
First Lady Ani Yudhoyono recently had called on all parties to expedite the regeneration of traditional batik craftsmen and women so as to preserve the craft as part of the nation’s cultural legacy. "It is a pity that batik development does not happen hand in hand with the regeneration of traditional batik craftspeople. Doing batik work actually needs patience but the skill can be bequeathed to the younger generation," Ani Yudhoyono said.
She said the younger generation should be immediately involved in the development of batik craftsmanship so that they can keep the craft alive and even make masterpieces themselves, and prevent batik from being claimed by other countries. "UNESCO itself has asked  Indonesia to ensure regeneration in the craft as a precious world cultural heritage," the first lady said.
Meanwhile, neighboring Malaysia, which shares a number of similar cultures with Indonesia including on batik but with its own unique specification, said it would study UNESCO’s decision, said Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin in Kuala Lumpur on Sept 17.
The government would make the study to ensure whether the decision would have a bearing on the traditional batik making in the country, he said.
"I do not have the full details (UNESCO’s decision) because Malaysia too has batik. We will analyse the actual meaning of the decision and whether the decision will affect the production of batik here," Yassin told reporters.

From The Jakarta Post: 
If 60 million people - a quarter of the Indonesian population - will wear batik today that will be a special day indeed. Never was our traditional fabric put on the national pedestal in such a way in recent memory.
Being recognized by UNESCO as an Indonesian cultural contribution to the world is a valid reason to celebrate this beautiful traditional fabric and the garments made from it.
Although batik is found in other countries like China, Africa and Egypt, still the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has now acknowledged that the dyeing technique is uniquely Indonesian. This will give this technology some degree of protection under the UNESCO charter.
This is not the first time UNESCO has recognized the nation's contribution to the world heritage. It singled out the wayang (puppets) and keris (daggers) for similar treatment in 2003.
Many Indonesians think that batik is a typical Javanese product. This is not true although it is understandable because stories about batik in the regions are quite rare. However batik is to be found throughout the thousands of islands of the archipelago from Sumatra in the west to Papua in the east.
This recognition from the world body should spur the government to support batik producers, particularly, the smaller traders.
Batik promotional visits overseas to help make Indonesian batik an international icon in the world of global fashion, is something to be applauded. There should be more of such efforts.
A well-founded concern in the country is that foreigners often appear to appreciate our cultural heritage more than we do ourselves. The younger generation, for example, tends to ignore the age-old traditions of batik dyeing techniques, although they are more interested to wear batik garments in recent years.
Young Indonesians also tend to shun other traditional icons like the wayang, angklung (the light bamboo instruments), the gamelan (the Javanese orchestra), traditional dances or even local dialects.
On the other hand, many universities abroad have gamelan classes. A steady stream of foreign students comes to places like Yogyakarta and Bali to learn about our traditional dances. Maritime students come to Sulawesi to learn about traditional boat making.
And several international organizations are racing with time to record some of our almost extinct local languages, before they are gone forever.
Excesses do occasionally occur, like the case of the Balinese silver crafters who are no longer able to produce some of their own creations that have been patented by unscrupulous foreigners abroad, without their knowledge.
As we celebrate the UNESCO charter in Abu Dhabi today, by wearing batik here in Indonesia and abroad, we should become more aware that we still have a lot of homework to do to safeguard our cultural heritage.

Our Thoughts:
As Indonesians, we're really happy about this (of course!). We're really looking forward for today! And yes, we've worn Batik today to celebrate Batik Day.  

Happy Batik Day!

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Friday, September 11, 2009

Batik Tulis (Traditional) Equipment

From time to time the process of making batik traditionally hasn’t changed much up to now. Looking at the forms and functions of batik equipments are very traditional and unique, suitable with the ways which are still traditional. The traditional batik equipment is a part of the traditional batik itself, because if the change is done by using modern machines, it will change the name of traditional batik into batik motive cloth. It shows that the way to make batik has a special characteristic with the result of the traditional batik art. If we see from the time and amounts produced, they are quite limited and the art creation from the canting drawing onto mori cloth which will produce the relatively expensive and valuable batik art.Batik equipment consists of:

1. Gawangan (Frame)
The gawangan is an apparatus for holding and spreading the cotton cloth while batiking. The gawangan is made of wood or bamboo. It must be constructed in such a way that it can easily be moved about, but is strong and light.
2. Bandul (Weight)
The bandul is a peg of pocketed tin, wood or stone. Its primary function is to hold the newly batiked cloth so that it can not be blown about by the wind or accidentally displaced by the batiker. Therefore, without the bandul, the batik process can still take place.
3. Wajan (Pan)
The wajan is an implement in which the wax used in batiking is melted. It can be made of iron or clay. The better pan has a handle, making it easier to lift from and put down on the brazier without the use of a auxiliary tool. Therefore, the wajan made of clay is better than that of metal, because its handle does not retain heat. On the other hand, it takes longer to heat the wax in a clay wajan.
4. Anglo (brazier)
The anglo can be made from clay or other material. It is a brazier, the heater of wax. The anglo uses charcoal for firing. Firewood is used with keren, also a brazier: the keren is more commomly used than the anglo by the villagers. In principle, the keren is the same as the anglo, but it is not split-leveled.
5. Tepas (Fan)
The tepas is an implement made of bamboo to increase the fire as needed. Other than the tepas, the ilir may also be used. Basically, the tepas and the ilir are the same, differing ony in shape. The tepas is rectangular and pointed on one of its long sides with the handle extending form that point. The ilir is a square with the handle being an extension of one of the sides. The tepas and the ilir are fans for fanning the fire. 

6. Taplak (Napkin)
The taplak is a napkin for covering the lap of the batiker so as to protect from drippings of the hot liquid wax when blowing up the spout of the canting or when batiking. The napkin is usually a piece of used cloth.
7. Saringan malam (Wax Strainer)
The saringan is an implement for straining the hot wax as the wax is usually quite dirty. Straining the wax allows the scum to be discarded, so that it will not interfere with the fluent running of the wax through the spout of the canting while batiking.
8. Dingklik, linchak (Stool)
The dingklik and the linchak are, in principle, the same, that is very low stools for the batiker to sit upon. However, the batiker may also sit on a mat. The height is adjusted with the height of person sitting when making batik..
9. Kemplongan
Kemplongan is a tool made from wood of which form is like table and hammer and it’s used to soften the mori cloth before it’s given batik motif pattern and made.

10. Canting

The canting is the primary utensil used in the batik process which determines whether the results of the work may be called batik or not. The canting is used to write (draw with liquid wax), making the batik motifs desired. It is made of copper with the mixture of wood or bamboo. Copper has the quality of lightness, is easily bent, and is strong, though thin..
11. Mori (Cotton cloth)

Mori is the raw material used in batiking. There are many qualities, and the type used very much determines the nature of the resultant batik. The mori required varies with the kind of finished cloth desired.

12. Malam (Wax)

Wax is the material used to batik. The wax is not used up (lost) until it is removed during the final process (the washing process), when the cloth is turned into an ornamented textile (batik cloth).
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Good News For Indonesian People!

Well, lately some of our culture has been claimed by Malaysia like Batik, Wayang, Rendang and Pendet dance, which we all (even the tourists) know that Pendet is from Bali. But hey! There's a good news for all! Apparently, UNESCO, the one who manages cultures around the world has claimed that Batik is Indonesian's culture. I repeat, Batik is Indonesian's culture =D. Here's the full news about it.

From The Jakarta Post:

Batik selected for UNESCO cultural heritage list

Indonesians have been asked to wear batik on Oct. 2, following UNESCO’s decision to add the traditional dyeing technique to its Intangible Cultural Heritage list.
The listing, which will give the age-old batik tradition some degree of protection under the UNESCO charter, will be made official at an event in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, between Sep. 28 and
Oct. 2.
To acknowledge the listing, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has asked all Indonesians to wear batik.
“Batik is regarded as a cultural icon with its own uniqueness. It contains symbols and a deep philosophy of the human life cycle — and it was submitted by Indonesia as a non-material element of cultural heritage,” Coordinating Minister for the People’s Welfare Aburizal Bakrie told a press conference at Bogor Presidential Palace on Monday.
“We’ve been told that batik has been recognized as an element of global cultural heritage produced by Indonesians. The President has called on all Indonesians to wear batik on Oct. 2, to celebrate batik.”
Batik is a wax-resistant dyeing technique used on textiles. Due to modern advances in the textile industry, the term is also used for fabrics incorporating traditional batik patterns that are not necessarily produced using traditional batik techniques.
In the past, Indonesians, mostly adults, wear batik only at formal events. Nowadays it has become increasingly popular even among the younger generation with batik factories starting to manufacture more wearer-friendly and fashionable batik outfits.
Many office workers now wear batik on a daily basis, while local designers compete to produce more attractive designs.
While batik originated in Javanese courts, several other regions in Indonesia also have their own styles of batik. The fabric is also widely worn in countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
Aburizal explained that the jury team from UNESCO, before declaring batik an element of global cultural heritage, had inquired about the origins of Indonesian batik, on the government’s protection of it and to what extent batik was a part of local community life.
Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik said batik was therefore Indonesia’s third tradition to secure UNESCO’s recognition as an element of non-material global cultural heritage.
In 2003, the UN body named wayang (Indonesia’s traditional shadow puppets) and keris (traditional wavy blades) as elements of non-material cultural heritage.
“And now we are submitting angklung (traditional musical instrument made of bamboo) as an element of global cultural heritage from Indonesia,” Jero said.
“We will keep fighting for our heritage one tradition at a time.”

Here's from VIVANews:

Indonesian Batik Recognized by UNESCO
The recognition given by the UN agency for education and culture (UNESCO) on batik, which is Indonesia’s cultural heritage, has pleased batik artists in Solo. They expected the recognition would be able to end the polemic between Indonesia and Malaysia on the claim over batik.

However, the artists said it was hard to maintain and prove the fact that batik is Indonesia’s original art. “The hardest parts are retaining and proving, because we know that batik-making techniques have existed since thousands years ago,” the Head of Paguyuban Kampoeng Batik Laweyan Solo, Alpha Febela said to VIVAnews in Solo on Tuesday, September 2009.

He also said the techniques were not coming from Indonesia. Only out of several countries, the most rapid batik development took place in Indonesia. “Some said batik-making techniques from Middle East and Mesopotamia made its way to Indonesia together with the teaching of Islam. But, the biggest development occurred here, like the richness of the motives,” Febela said.

UNESCO’s recognition, he said, has been a great motivation to the batik artists to confidently expand their batik business especially now that the artists are in high spirit to go international. “It is expected to boost the production and the sales of batik in the future,” he said.

Malaysia’s claim over batik, which surfaced several times ago, according to Febela, did not affect batik exports market. “Probably, it is a just psychological effect. To us, the claim is merely a rumor because there isn’t any rejection over our exports to Malaysia,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of Paguyuban Kampung Wisata Batik Kauman Solo, Makmun Puspanegara said he was quite happy about UNESCO’s recognition. In Solo, batik industry started to grow rapidly in 2006.

“A few years before, there were only about sixteen batik artists in Kampung Kauman Solo. Now, there are around fifty of them,” Puspanegara said.

On the patterns of batik, he acknowledged that the number is pretty significant. They have even existed since the era of Kasunanan Palace in Surakarta. “Paguyuban batik Kauman has also helped gathering batik motives up to 500 kinds. The motives would later be registered and patented,” Puspanegara said.

He also appreciates President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s intention to include batik making in school curriculum. Therefore, students would be familiar with batik as one of Indonesia’s cultural heritage.

And the last one is from The Jakarta Globe:

Unesco Lists Batik As Indonesian Cultural Heritage

Bogor. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has officially recognized batik as an Indonesian cultural treasure, Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare Aburizal Bakrie said on Monday.

“We have received notification from Unesco that batik has now been listed as part of Indonesia’s cultural heritage,” Aburizal said after attending a cabinet meeting chaired by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at Bogor Palace in West Java.

Unesco, according to Aburizal, would make public its decision to recognize batik as a unique hallmark of the country’s heritage during a meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of Intangible Heritage, held from Sept. 28 to Oct. 2 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates .

To celebrate batik’s recognition, he said, Yudhoyono had appealed to the public at large to wear batik as a sign of respect for the culture. “The president has asked us to preserve our culture.”

The government has conducted field research since 2008 involving batik-producing communities and experts in 19 provinces across the country in preparation for the nomination of batik as a cultural artifact.

“Batik is not only considered part of Indonesia’s cultural heritage, but is also now recognized as a representation of humanity’s culture,” Aburizal said, adding that as a traditional cloth, batik was rich in value as well as cultural inheritance.

Meanwhile, Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik said that in 2003, Unesco recognized wayang kulit , or shadow puppets, and a traditional dagger as aspects of the country’s cultural heritage, adding that it would continue to seek Unesco recognition of its cultural artifacts. 
Our Thoughts
Well, basically we're really, REALLY happy. We mean, who aren't happy when your culture are now recognized by UNESCO. This will make clear who's the right owner of Batik, right??? Hopefully, UNESCO will recognized ALL of Indonesian's cultures and there will be no claiming like now....
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Batik's Patterns

In Indonesia, there are a lot of patterns and colors of Batiks. Each of this patterns has a meaning in it. A batik's pattern in one place is different with the others. That's why we have A LOT of it. In this post we'll show you some of the famous Batik's patterns in Indonesia, and of course the history about it too.

The History
Kinds of Batik's colors and patterns are influenced by various foreign influences. At first, batik has limited kinds of patterns and colors, and some of the patterns can only be used for limited people. But coastal batik absorbs all kinds of foreign influences, such as foreign traders and the colony. Bright colors such as red is popularized by Tionghoa, which is also popularize phoenix pattern. European colony also take an interest in Batik, and the result are flower patterns which was unrecognized before (such as tulip) and also thing that were brought by the colony (buildings or carriage), including their favorite colors like blue. Traditional batik stil maintains their patterns, and are still used in custom ceremony, because usually each of the patterns has their symbolization. Some of Batik's patterns can show someone's social status. Even until today, several Batik's patterns are only used by the family of Yogyakarta and Surakarta' palace

Example of Batik's patterns in Indonesia
Here are the examples of  Batik's patterns in Indonesia:

1. Megamendung Batik from Cirebon
2. Buketan Batik from Pekalongan

3. Parang Rusak Batik from Java
4. Tiga Negeri Batik (A Mix of Lasem, Pekalongan and Solo)
5. Jawa Hokokai Batik from Pekalongan
6. Lasem Batik from East Java
7. Jlamprang Batik from Yogyakarta
8. Asmat Batik from Papua
Here's a list of ancient batik motifs in Indonesia:
1 Abdi nyamoe
2 Adoe manis
3 Agar-agar
4 Ajam poegér latar iréng.
5 Alas kobong
6 Alas-alasan
7 Alas-alassan latar ireng
8 Aloes ing nálá
9 Ambar sekar
10 Ampëk
11 Anak ayam
12 Anggoer
13 Anggoer kripik.
14 Anggoer latar poetih
15 Anggrek
16 Anggrek Beton
17 Anggrek sitangsoe
18 Angin-angin
19 Angin-angin kampoeng
20 Angin-angin katjang Tjina
21 Angin-angin latar irëng.
22 Angin-angin Madoeran
23 Angin-angin panyen
24 Angin-angin pléntong
25 Angin-angin sawoet
26 Angin-angin séprantoe
27 Angin-angin seprantoe latar ireng
28 Angkloeng jiwá
29 Angreni
30 Ardikoesoemá latar poetih
31 Ardikoesoenä
32 Aroem Ndaloe
33 Asmarandono
34 Asoep kana latar
35 Ayam
36 Ayam Alas
37 Ayam Poeger
38 Babon Angrem
39 Badèrran latar iréng
40 Baita Kandas
41 Baitá kandas latar poetih
42 Bak bayá
43 Balagbag
44 Baloembangan
45 Balok bosok
46 Bandji
47 Bandji Bengkok
48 Bandji bèngkok latar poetih.
49 Bandji ganggong latar iréng.
50 Bandji Goeling

51 Bandji kasoet latar poetih.
52 Bandji latar ireng
53 Bandji latar poetih
54 Bandji likassan latar irëng.
55 Bang Sënen
56 Bango
57 Bango boetak
58 Bango tontong
59 Bantji tjoka
60 Banyak angrém
61 Banyak ngéndog
62 Banyak rémbyang
63 Bantji
64 Bantji kasoet
65 Bantji kémbang
66 Bantji koeroeng
67 Banyi TjéTjèk
68 Banyi Tjiná
69 Banyi toetoep
70 Baris kondoer
71 Baris kondoer latar poetih.
72 Barong asepak
73 Barong latar poetih
74 Barong sèpoeh
75 Basoeto
76 Batawi
77 Batik ayam
78 Batik ho
79 Bayangkari
80 Bayém bang
81 Bayoel ngantang
82 Bekiking
83 Bekingking latar iréng.
84 Békoetahan
85 Bèlah kétoepat
86 Bèlinyon
87 Bëndóe ségara latar poetih
88 Béri kablak
89 Bëtawen
90 Betet
91 Betetan
92 Bibis pistä
93 Bibis pista latar irèng
94 Bintang Loehoer
95 Bintang latar ireng.
96 Bintang Loehoer
97 Bintang Wadjib
98 Bintangan
99 Bintangan latar iréng
100 Blabagan

101 Blandaran
102 Blarak sinampan
103 Blarak sineret
104 Blédeg
105 Blibar
106 Bligin Goerdo
107 Boeah Anggoer
108 Boeloe rambat
109 Boeloe rambat latar irëng.
110 Boeloes angrém
111 Boeloes ngérong
112 Boenga Melati
113 Boental
114 Boental latar poetih
115 Boental Manten
116 Boerbajäsá latar ireng
117 Boerbäkará latar poetih
118 Boerbayasa
119 Boeroeng gaok
120 Boeroeng Piknik
121 Boeroeng Tjolombo
122 Boeroeng yoewi
123 Boewah anggoer dimakan oelat
124 Bogém binalik
125 Bolodewo
126 Bondet
127 Bondèt latar ireng
128 Bongkang sémbayang
129 Brámärä latar iréng
130 Bribil
131 Byoer
132 Dablang
133 Dablang latar iréng
134 Dablang latar poetih
135 Dahon anggoer
136 Dalima wantah latar poetih
137 Dara Gelar
138 Därá gelar latar iréng
139 Ddjadjakoesoema
140 Ddjaladri
141 Délereng
142 Dèlimá wantah
143 Déngkloeng
144 Djäjákartälá latar poetih.
145 Djäjäkartiká latar irëng
146 Djäjákiränä.
147 Djäjákoesoema latar irëng
148 Djájáséntanä latar irëng
149 Djala sèrimpang
150 Djaloe Mampang

151 Djambe Tjepot
152 Djambé tjépot latar poetih.
153 Djamblang
154 Djamblang latar poetih.
155 Djamblang miring
156 Djamblang Tjilik
157 Djanger
158 Djanggléng latar irëng.
159 Djangkaran
160 Djangkarran latar irëng.
161 Djangkoeng koening
162 Djantoeng hati
163 Djántra kémbar
164 Djarak koeroeng
165 Djati koemoro
166 Djawah
167 Djáyákoesoemá
168 Djáyárésmi
169 Djayeng
170 Djélamprang
171 Djèmprit latar irèng
172 Djendral minoem
173 Djèng Nálá
174 Djengkollan latar irëng.
175 Djéntik manis latar poetih
176 Djobin
177 Djodipati
178 Djoebinan
179 Djoedjoekaring latar iréng
180 Djoempoettan latar irëng.
181 Djoewita
182 Djoko lola
183 Djolen
184 Djolo Nidri
185 Djong ranté latar poetih
186 Djoyo djotro
187 Djoyokirono
188 Djoyokoesoemo
189 Djoyomoelyo
190 Djoyosentono
191 Doeda brengos
192 Doedä brèngos latar irèng
193 Doeda gamblok
194 Doeda gèloet
195 Doemeling
196 Doerjadäná latar poetih
197 Doro Sadjodo
198 Elar
199 Eloeng
200 Emplek

201 Endas Maling
202 Endas maling latar poetih
203 Endog rémèk
204 Endol-endol
205 Endol-èndol latar iréng
206 Erang-erangan
207 Esoek sore
208 Gabah sinawoer
209 Gabah sinawoer latar poetih
210 Gadjah biráwä latar poetih
211 Gagak ngaoeb
212 Gagak setrá
213 Gambir Anom
214 Gambir anom latar poetih
215 Gambir Saketi
216 Gambir sakéti latar poetih.
217 Gambir sawit
218 Gambir sawit latar poetih
219 Ganda koesoemo
220 Gándásoeli
221 Gándáwiyayá
222 Gandoe
223 Gandosan
224 Gandossan latar iréng.
225 Gandroeng
226 Ganggeng
227 Ganggong
228 Ganggong barès latar ireng
229 Ganggong bèngkokkan latar irëng
230 Ganggong bintoeloe latar irëng
231 Ganggong boeloes
232 Ganggong Branta
233 Ganggong bräntá latar irëng
234 Ganggong djoebin
235 Ganggong djoebin latar iréng
236 Ganggong Garoet
237 Ganggong garoet latar irëng
238 Ganggong joedjana latar ireng
239 Ganggong kapoendoeng
240 Ganggong Kebar
241 Ganggong kèbar latar ireng
242 Ganggong këmbang latar poetih
243 Ganggong koeroeng latar irëng
244 Ganggong kraton
245 Ganggong kraton Soemenep
246 Ganggong latar poetih
247 Ganggong Lerep
248 Ganggong lèrèp latar irëng
249 Ganggong madoebrántä latar irëng
250 Ganggong Madoerá

251 Ganggong njamploeng iréng
252 Ganggong paningrat latar iréng
253 Ganggong rante
254 Ganggong ranté latar irëng,
255 Ganggong Ranti
256 Ganggong ranti latar irëng
257 Ganggong rèjab latar iréng
258 Ganggong sapit
259 Ganggong Sari
260 Ganggong sari latar irëng
261 Ganggong seprantoe latar iréng
262 Ganggong sidákrama
263 Ganggong sinapit
264 Ganggong soepit
265 Ganggong srandil latar iréng
266 Ganggong tèdjá latar iréng
267 Ganggong tjéplok latar poetih
268 Ganggong tjoerigá latar ireng
269 Ganggong Toerki
270 Ganggong toerki latar irëng
271 Ganggong wibáwä latar irëng
272 Ganggong Yoedjono
273 Ganggong yoenan
274 Ganthi
275 Garoedá latar iréng
276 Gayam roentoeh
277 Gébar sé
278 Gédagan latar irëng
279 Gèdang sélirang
280 Gedangan
281 Gegot
282 Gembel
283 Gembirowati
284 Gémék taroeng
285 Géndagan
286 Gèndani
287 Gendhono
288 Gendolo Giri
289 Germén
290 Girang Tjampoer
291 Girang tjampoer latar poetih
292 Giringsing
293 Glathik Madrim
294 Glebag
295 Godong pring
296 Godong soekoen
297 Godong yarak
298 Godongan
299 Goenardijáyá
300 Goenáwidjájá latar poetih

301 Goenoeng Sari
302 Goerdo Rodjo
303 Goerdo Yekso
304 Goerit Wesi
305 Goerit wësi latar ireng.
306 Goesti poetri
307 Golang Galing
308 Golang-galing
309 Gondang-gandoeng
310 Gondäsoeli latar poetih
311 Gondosoeli
312 Gong Gomino
313 Grageh Waloeh
314 Grènyiling
315 Grésik
316 Gringsing
317 Gringsing aloes
318 Gringsing angoen-angoen
319 Gringsing arya-arya
320 Gringsing ayam poeger
321 Gringsing bagenda
322 Gringsing kawoeng
323 Gringsing Koesoemagoena
324 Gringsing kawot
325 Gringsing Kloengsoe
326 Gringsing kloengsoe latar irèng
327 Gringsing lalampahan
328 Gringsing latar poetih,
329 Gringsing loeng anggoer
330 Gringsing loeng ing sih
331 Gringsing loeng lango
332 Gringsing oedajanaloes
333 Gringsing pálä latar irëng
334 Gringsing pamasah
335 Gringsing Pándawa
336 Gringsing Pándawa jaya
337 Gringsing Panjaloe
338 Gringsing Parta Awiwaha
339 Gringsing Rámáyana
340 Gringsing Ráwantaka
341 Gringsing ringgit
342 Gringsing Sangoepati
343 Gringsing Sangoepati
344 Gringsing sèsémenan
345 Gringsing silir ing maroeta
346 Gringsing Sisik
347 Gringsing sisik latar poetih
348 Gringsing Tjanggoe
349 Gringsing wajang latar poetih
350 Gringsing wayang

351 Gringsing pandawa jaya
352 Gringsing wayang lelakon rayoena tapa
353 Gringsing wayang lelakon Samba lalana
354 Gringsing Wirata
355 Gringsing yagaTjatroe
356 Grinsing Lintang
357 Grompol
358 Grompol latar ireng.
359 Grompol Tjilik
360 Grompolan
361 Harddjoeno Mangsah
362 Higoel-higoelan
363 Ikan Emas
364 Imá krèndá
365 Imá-imá
366 Imá-imá tatit
367 Imä-imá tatit latar poetih
368 Imo krendo
369 Intip ijan
370 Irisan pandan
371 Iris-irisan pandan
372 Kadèle wontá
373 Kagok ing klitik
374 Kahwá péTjah
375 Kahwá woengkoel
376 Kaïn Karet
377 Kaïn Prankèmon
378 Kaïn Raden Ayoe Saleh
379 Kakaryoen
380 Kálá jéngking
381 Kalamkare
382 Kalong Alit
383 Kalong Sari
384 Kandoeroewan
385 Kanigärä latar iréng
386 Kanigoro
387 Kantet
388 Kantil
389 Kapal Api
390 Kapal kandas
391 Kapal kéroek
392 Kapal layar
393 Kápálá slendang
394 Kapas
395 Kapidondong
396 Kapidongdong latar irëng
397 Kapiréntá
398 Karana
399 Karang mélok
400 Karetan

401 Kartika loka
402 Karwain
403 Katjang Wose
404 Kate mas
405 Katesan
406 KaTjeloeng
407 KaTjipoetan
408 Kawoeng
409 Kawoeng bendi
410 Kawoeng bligon
411 Kawoeng boelan
412 Kawoeng Boental
413 Kawoeng brántá
414 Kawoeng Brátáyoeda
415 Kawoeng Brendi
416 Kawoeng brèngos
417 Kawoeng bribil
418 Kawoeng dompol
419 Kawoeng eTjek
420 Kawoeng gagak
421 Kawoeng Gamblok
422 Kawoeng ganggong
423 Kawoeng garoedá
424 Kawoeng Gringsing
425 Kawoeng katoenggeng
426 Kawoeng kémiri kopong
427 Kawoeng kémplang
428 Kawoeng kémplang latar poetih
429 Kawoeng Kepyar
430 Kawoeng Koesoemagoena
431 Kawoeng Kopi PeTjah
432 Kawoeng latar poetih.
433 Kawoeng Madoera
434 Kawoeng pèTjah
435 Kawoeng pitjis
436 Kawoeng pitjis latar poetih.
437 Kawoeng poetri
438 Kawoeng Praboe
439 Kawoeng rájá
440 Kawoeng rante
441 Kawoeng sari
442 Kawoeng sari latar poetih.
443 Kawoeng Sawoet
444 Kawoeng Sen Goerdo
445 Kawoeng sewoe
446 Kawoeng TjaTjah Gori
447 Kawoeng Tjákrá
448 Kawoeng Tjépiring
449 Kawoeng tritis
450 Kayoe angrémit

451 Kayoe Tjiná
452 Kébar
453 Kédrah sená
454 Kejongan latar irëng.
455 Kékémbangan
456 Kèléngan
457 Kémádá
458 Kémáda géndoelan
459 Kémádá salangan
460 Kémádá satriyá manah
461 Kèmádá sékar katela
462 Kèmada soengging
463 Kémbang anggoer
464 Kémbang anggrek
465 Kembang Asem
466 Kembang asèm klewer
467 Kèmbang asém koeroeng
468 Këmbang asém latar iréng
469 Kémbang awi
470 Kèmbang bakoeng
471 Këmbang bèstroe latar poetih
472 Kémbang blimbing
473 Kémbang blimbing latar ireng
474 Kèmbang blimbing latar poetih
475 Kémbang boengah roempoek
476 Kémbang dalimá
477 Këmbang djamboe latar irëng.
478 Kembang djarak
479 Kémbang djarak latar poetih.
480 Kembang djemboel
481 Kémbang djémboel latar irëng.
482 Kembang djeroek latar irëng.
483 Kémbang doeren
484 Kémbang gadoeng
485 Kembang Gambir
486 Këmbang gambir latar iréng
487 Këmbang gambir latar poetih
488 Kémbang ganggong
489 Kémbang gayam
490 Kembang Gempol
491 Kémbang gèmpol koening
492 Kémbang gëmpol latar iréng
493 Kèmbang genjret
494 Kèmbang glagah
495 Kèmbang janggél
496 Kémbang jarak
497 Kémbang jati
498 Kémbang jèpoen
499 Kémbang jèroek
500 Kémbang jéroek koeroeng

501 Kémbang kangkoeng
502 Kembang Kantil
503 Kémbang kapas
504 Kembang kapas baris latar iréng
505 Kembang kapas kapita latar ireng
506 Kembang kapas latar ireng.
507 Kèmbang katelá
508 Kèmbang kates
509 Kèmbang kaTjang
510 Kèmbang kaTjang Tjina
511 Kémbang kaTjeloeng
512 Kembang Kenikir
513 Kembang kénikir latar iréng.
514 Kémbang kéntang
515 Kémbang kéntang latar ireng
516 Kémbang képèl
517 Kèmbang këtongkèng latar irëng.
518 Kembang Kipas Baris
519 Kembang kloewih
520 Kémbang koeroeng
521 Kèmbang kopi
522 Kémbang koro
523 Kémbang lek
524 Kémbang lombok
525 Kembang Manggar
526 Kembang manggar latar poetih
527 Kembang manggis latar ireng.
528 Kémbang mawar
529 Këmbang mindi latar poetih.
530 Kèmbang nanas
531 Kèmbang nanas boeloe
532 Kèmbang oeribang
533 Kembang pálá
534 Kémbang pare
535 Kémbang péndjalin latar iréng
536 Kembang Pepe
537 Kembang Pépé latar ireng
538 Kémbang pépé latar poetih
539 Këmbang pidjéttan latar poetih.
540 Kèmbang piyètan
541 Këmbang poedak latar irëng
542 Kembang Poedak Latar Poetih
543 Kèmbang pot
544 Kèmbang pring
545 Kémbang randoe
546 Kémbang randoe latar poetih.
547 Kembang ranti latar ireng
548 Kémbang régoelá
549 Kémbang sègérat
550 Kembang semak

551 Kémbang sëmak latar irëng
552 Kémbang sémboya
553 Kèmbang sèroeni
554 Kembang Sikatan
555 Kémbang sikattan latar iréng
556 Kèmbang soendoel langit
557 Kèmbang soeroeh
558 Kèmbang soewek
559 Kèmbang sore
560 Kèmbang sréngenge
561 Kèmbang tanyoeng
562 Kèmbang tanyoeng layon
563 Kémbang tarate
564 Kembang Tjengkeh
565 Kémbang téloeki
566 Kembang Telong
567 Kembang Temoe
568 Kembang Temoe-Selendang
569 Kémbang tiba
570 Kémbang Tjéngkeh
571 Kémbang tjéngkèh latar irëng.
572 Kèmbang Tjèpiring
573 Kémbang Tjina.
574 Kémbang tongkeng
575 Kémbang waloeh
576 Kembang Waroe
577 Kémbang waroe latar iréng.
578 Kémbang waron
579 Kémbang Wélándá
580 Kémbar
581 Kemladeyan
582 Kenaka
583 Kènángá
584 Kénanga di makan oelat
585 Kènángá jéntir
586 Kénángá jikét
587 Kènángá kampoeng
588 Kénängä latar iréng
589 Kenanga sari
590 Kèndagan
591 Kényat
592 Keong Emas
593 Keong Rambat
594 Kèpetek
595 Képiting latar poetih
596 Kèrangan
597 Kèraton
598 Kérisan
599 Kèsèmen
600 Kesoemo

601 Kestoebo
602 Kestoeri
603 Kethoprak
604 KéTjipiran
605 Kètongkeng
606 Kètower
607 Keyongan
608 Kidang kénTjáná
609 Kidjing Miring
610 Kidjing miring latar poetih
611 Kijing
612 Kijing wahäná
613 Kirnä mondä latar iréng
614 Kirno Mando
615 Klabang kamal
616 Klabangan
617 Kladoek manis
618 Klamboe latar poetih
619 Kláná latar irëng
620 Klanter
621 Klentang
622 Klewer
623 Klono Gandroeng
624 Kobardjo
625 Kodokan
626 Koeda Rante
627 Koekilá
628 Koekilo Asmoro
629 Koeldi
630 Koemitir
631 Koenir Pito
632 KoenTji
633 Koeping andjing latar ireng
634 Koepoe Anom
635 Koepoe gandroeng
636 Koepoe gandroeng latar irëng
637 Koepoe radja latar poetih
638 Koepoe Ranti
639 Koepoe Rawa
640 Koepoe rawis
641 Koepoe rawis latar poetih
642 Koepoe ráyá
643 Koepoe Taman
644 Koepoe toeroe
645 Koepon
646 Koepon latar ireng.
647 Koepon latar poetih
648 Koerá
649 Koesniá latar ireng
650 Koesnijá

651 Koesoemaningrat
652 KoeTjoeran
653 Kokrosono
654 Kolang-kaling
655 Komboran
656 Kongkang sembijang latar irëng
657 Kongkang sémbiyang
658 Kopi PeTjah
659 Kopi Petjah latar Poetih
660 Kotak Bodroyono
661 Kotak Slobok
662 KoTjak-kaTjik
663 Kowangan
664 Krambil SaTjoekil
665 Krambil satjoekil latar iréng.
666 KranTjis
667 Krété dédé latar iréng
668 Krokot lar
669 Krompol
670 Ladrang
671 Ladrang manis
672 Laleyan
673 Lamkare
674 Lamkarengan
675 Lapis latar irëng.
676 Lar
677 Lar moengä latar poetih
678 Lar Moengo
679 Lar rangkép
680 Lar sawat
681 Lárá Mèndoet
682 Laras ati latar iréng
683 Laras drijá latar irëng
684 Laras driyá
685 Laras Kongas
686 Lárás sèdoewá
687 Larasati
688 Láräsëdoewä latar iréng.
689 Lar-laran
690 Latar iyo
691 Lele ngarak
692 Lemed
693 Lengkong-lengkong
694 Lereng
695 Lereng Tjagak Talang
696 Lereng TjoeTjoek beloet
697 Leter
698 Limar
699 Limar galing
700 Limar kèdaton

701 Limar kémbang
702 Limar kètangi latar irëng
703 Limaran
704 Limaran Ketangi
705 Limaran latar ireng
706 Lindri
707 Lintang alih
708 Lintang trënggänä latar irëng.
709 Lintang Trenggono
710 Lintrik
711 Liris Poetih
712 Liris Tjemeng
713 Imá ranoe latar iréng
714 lmá-imä krénda latar poetih
715 lmä-imá tatit latar poetih
716 Loekito
717 Loeng
718 Loeng adas
719 Loeng adas latar irëng
720 Loeng adas latar poetih
721 Loeng anggoer
722 Loeng Bentoel
723 Loeng béntoel latar ireng
724 Loeng dalimá
725 Loeng dinar latar irëng
726 Loeng ETje
727 Loeng étjé latar irëng
728 Loeng gadoeng
729 Loeng gadoeng latar irèng
730 Loeng ganggéng
731 Loeng Gedawoeng
732 Loeng gedawoeng latar irëng
733 Loeng girang latar ireng.
734 Loeng Goemampir
735 Loeng kangkoeng
736 Loeng kangkoeng latar poetih
737 Loeng kare
738 Loeng katelá
739 Loeng kènaren
740 Loeng kënari latar irëng
741 Loeng kénèkër latar ireng
742 Loeng Kepet
743 Loeng Ketongkeng
744 Loeng këtongkèng latar irëng
745 Loeng klengkeng
746 Loeng klewer
747 Loeng klèwèr latar irëng
748 Loeng krantil
749 Loeng krokot
750 Loeng krokot latar iréng

751 Loeng krokot latar poetih
752 Loeng kroto
753 Loeng lèmèt latar ireng
754 Loeng manis
755 Loeng mawar
756 Loeng oeris latar iréng
757 Loeng pakis
758 Loeng pakis latar iréng
759 Loeng pakis latar poetih
760 Loeng paTjar
761 Loeng pèniti
762 Loeng Pernis
763 Loeng përnis latar iréng
764 Loeng régoelon latar poetih
765 Loeng sekotji latar poetih
766 Loeng semanggèn latar ireng
767 Loeng Sembagen
768 Loeng Sembodjo
769 Loeng sëtlop (ook wel këstlop) latar irëng
770 Loeng Slop
771 Loeng slop of setlop latar ireng.
772 Loeng srimpi latar poetih
773 Loeng Tandjoeng
774 Loeng tëlëng latar poetih
775 Loeng the
776 Loeng tjandi latar ireng
777 Loeng Tjempaloek
778 Loeng waloeh latar ireng
779 Loeng Widoeri
780 Loeng-loengan
781 Loer keong
782 Loer setrá
783 Lok Tjoan
784 Lokananta
785 Long Dawoeng
786 Lontang
787 Lontang kembang tanjoeng
788 Lontang loeng-loengan
789 Madoe Gondo
790 Madoe sinirat
791 Madoebrontá latar poetih.
792 Maliawan
793 Mándákaki
794 Manggaran
795 Manggisan
796 Mangkara
797 Manindras
798 Manoek alap-alapan
799 Manoek bango
800 Manoek barlin

801 Manoek bèloek
802 Manoek béri
803 Manoek dewátá
804 Manoek endol-endol
805 Manoek géntayoe
806 Manoek grigit
807 Manoek jatayoe
808 Manoek jiwátá oenjab
809 Manoek jonggrang
810 Manoek kablak
811 Manoek kèpèt
812 Manoek koeroeng
813 Manoek Krésna
814 Manoek manyoerá
815 Manoek mibèr
816 Manoek parang
817 Manoek ráwá
818 Manoek tarate
819 Manoek taroeng
820 Manoek tatit
821 Manoek Tjohoeng
822 Mantarsih
823 Margodadi
824 Mari-kangèn
825 Maroeto
826 Mas Ginoendjing
827 MaTjan kobar
828 MaTjan-maTjanan
829 Mawar Sari
830 Mboedoer
831 Mégat-roeh
832 Melati Selangsang
833 Melati selangsang latar poetih
834 Melati sepasang
835 Melati sedompol
836 Melinjon
837 Mémétahan
838 Ménjangan gringsing
839 Mentoel
840 Ményan kobar
841 Mérak angrém
842 Mérak kasimpir
843 Mérak ménTjélok
844 Mérak mènTjit
845 Mérak mibér
846 Mèrak ngigèl
847 Mérak ngigél latar poetih
848 Mérak simpir
849 Mèrang bodol
850 Mërang bodol latar poetih

851 Merang Kedjer
852 Mérang kedjer latar poetih
853 Meroe
854 Mideringrat
855 Mimilahan
856 Mindrasmárá
857 Mirong
858 Mirong latar iréng
859 Mlati rinontje
860 Mlindjo latar poetih
861 Mliwis
862 Mloyo
863 Moblong
864 Modang
865 Modang rawan
866 Modang Solo
867 Moelyo djati
868 Moelyowati
869 Nágá bisikkan latar poetih
870 Naga boelët latar irèng
871 Nägá dani latar iréng
872 Nágá gini latar poetih
873 Naga kirig latar irëng
874 Nágä latar poetih
875 Nágä pëksi latar iréng
876 Nägä poespá latar iréng
877 Nágá sásrá latar ireng
878 Nágá tápá latar iréng
879 Nágágini
880 Nagan
881 Nágáráyä
882 Nagäsari
883 Nagasari latar irëng.
884 Nagásásrá
885 Nágátápá
886 Nágátoemálá
887 Nam tikër latar poetih
888 Nam Batik
889 Nam-namman latar poetih
890 Nampan perak
891 Natar biron
892 Ngoelandoro
893 Niklang ngedi
894 Noes-noesan
895 Nogo djoyo
896 Nogo Gini
897 Nogo poespa
898 Nogo Rodjo
899 Nogo Sadjodo
900 Nogo Sinanding

901 Nogo Sosro
902 Nogo Topo
903 Nogo Wono
904 Nogo Yono
905 Nogosari
906 Nyaton
907 Nyoek
908 Obar
909 Obar-abir
910 Oebin
911 Oedan liris
912 Oedan liris latar poetih
913 Oedan mas
914 Oedan Tjaho
915 Oekèl pakis
916 Oekël pakis latar poetih
917 Oelá gonjing
918 Oelá toeroe
919 Oelèr kambang
920 Oelèr kambang latar poetih
921 Oempak
922 Oendoek alit
923 Oentoek banjoe latar iréng.
924 Oentoek banyoe
925 Oentoek banyoe ise
926 Oentoek banyoe nag
927 Oentoek soengoet
928 Oerang ajoe latar iréng
929 Oerang ayoe
930 Oerang oerangan latar irëng.
931 Oerang pletas.
932 Oerang sikat
933 Oerang-oerangan.
934 Oetjeng oedik
935 Oetil oetil gèndongan latar iréng
936 Oetjéng moedik latar poetih
937 Onang-onang sakebon
938 Onengan
939 Onëngan latar irëng
940 Ongko Widjoyo
941 Orak-arik
942 Orang Aring
943 Pagér Kétimoen
944 Pagersari
945 Pagi-Sore
946 Pakis
947 Pakis Tadji
948 Pakoeningrat latar poetih.
949 Palang
950 Pamiloeto

951 Pandan Iris
952 Pandan Leres
953 Pandèlégan
954 Panggang Lele
955 Panjang Gowang
956 Panjen Kasar
957 Panji
958 Panji Aloes
959 Panji Gènting
960 Panji Kénángá
961 Panji Kènari
962 Panji Kérémèk
963 Panji Késémèk
964 Panji Kintir
965 Panji Koeroeng
966 Panji Koyak
967 Panji Lintrik
968 Panji Mari-Kangen
969 Panji Nitik
970 Panji Oebin
971 Panji Sékétip
972 Panji Sérang
973 Panji Sérit
974 Panji Sikat
975 Panji Sisik
976 Panji Sosi
977 Panyi Tangkok
978 Papah Aren
979 Parang Angkik latar poetih
980 Parang Baladewa
981 Parang Baris
982 Parang Baris latar poetih
983 Parang Barong
984 Parang Barong Koetai
985 Parang Bintang latar irëng
986 Parang Blanggrëng latar poetih
987 Parang Daon
988 Parang Dimpil latar poetih
989 Parang Djenggot
990 Parang Djènggot latar poetih
991 Parang Esti latar poetih
992 Parang Gantoeng.
993 Parang Geloeng latar poetih
994 Parang Gendreh
995 Parang Godong
996 Parang Gondá latar poetih
997 Parang Gondokoesoema
998 Parang Gondosoeli
999 Parang Jejer
1000 Parang Jenggot

1001 Parang Kagok
1002 Parang Kaos latar irëng
1003 Parang Karná
1004 Parang Kémbang
1005 Parang kémbang latar poetih
1006 Parang Kembang Manggar
1007 Parang Kembang Tjoeboeng
1008 Parang Kèrná
1009 Parang Kesit
1010 Parang Késoelá.
1011 Parang Kirná latar poetih
1012 Parang Kirno
1013 Parang Kiting.
1014 Parang Klitik
1015 Parang Koeroe.
1016 Parang Koeroeng
1017 Parang Koeroeng latar irëng
1018 Parang Koesoemá latar poetih
1019 Parang Koesoemo
1020 Parang Krantil latar poetih
1021 Parang Kreno Srimpet
1022 Parang Krésná.
1023 Parang Laoet latar irëng
1024 Parang Lapis Troemtoem
1025 Parang Liris Glebak
1026 Parang Loreng.
1027 Parang Manggar.
1028 Parang Menang latar poetih
1029 Parang Mènang.
1030 Parang Méndoeng.
1031 Parang Ngèsti latar iréng
1032 Parang Oedet
1033 Parang Oekél latar poetih
1034 Parang Oekél.
1035 Parang Oelá latar poetih
1036 Parang Pakis latar poetih
1037 Parang Pakis.
1038 Parang Pamor
1039 Parang Pantjing latar poetih
1040 Parang Pari
1041 Parang Paroeng
1042 Parang Paroeng latar poetih
1043 Parang Peksi
1044 Parang Pléntong
1045 Parang Poespo
1046 Parang PoeTjang Klitik
1047 Parang Prajoeri
1048 Parang Ratoe Ratih
1049 Parang Reh.
1050 Parang Réjèng

1051 Parang Roesak
1052 Parang Roesak Kagok latar poetih
1053 Parang Roesak Klitik poetih
1054 Parang Roesak.
1055 Parang Sarpá latar poetih
1056 Parang Sarpakenaka
1057 Parang Sarpo
1058 Parang Sawoet
1059 Parang Sawoet latar poetih
1060 Parang Sélimpét
1061 Parang Semanggi
1062 Parang Sinoengging
1063 Parang Sisik.
1064 Parang Sobrah
1065 Parang Sobrah latar poetih
1066 Parang Soeli
1067 Parang Soeli latar poetih
1068 Parang Sonder
1069 Parang Sondèr latar poetih
1070 Parang Sonder.
1071 Parang Srimpi
1072 Parang Sroewá.
1073 Parang Tjanthel
1074 Parang Tjentoeng
1075 Parang Tèdjá latar poetih
1076 Parang Templek
1077 Parang Tjantèl latar poetih
1078 Parang Tjantel.
1079 Parang Tjengger latar poetih
1080 Parang Tjéntoeng
1081 Parang Tjéntoeng latar poetih
1082 Parang Tjinde
1083 Parang Tjindé latar poetih
1084 Parang Toeding
1085 Parang Wénang
1086 Parang Westi.
1087 Parang Yoengoet.
1088 Pare Anom
1089 Pare Wánáran
1090 Pari Sewoeli
1091 Parikésit.
1092 Pátáwálá.
1093 Patjar banyoe
1094 Peksi Adji
1095 Peksi Andong
1096 Peksi Bangoen Topo
1097 Pëksi Bido latar poetih
1098 Pëksi Blekok latar poetih
1099 Pëksi Darès latar poetih
1100 Peksi Gagak

1101 Pëksi Gagak latar irëng
1102 Pëksi Ganggëng latar iréng
1103 Pëksi Garoeda latar ireng
1104 Peksi Handon
1105 Péksi Handon latar poetih
1106 Pëksi Hoek latar iréng
1107 Peksi Kablak
1108 Péksi Kablak latar ireng
1109 Peksi Karing
1110 Peksi Kingkin
1111 Péksi kingkin latar poetih
1112 Peksi Kirna
1113 Peksi Koeroeng
1114 Peksi Koeroeng Latar Poetih
1115 Peksi Koewon
1116 Pëksi koewon latar poetih
1117 Pèksi Makoetá latar poetih
1118 Péksi Makoetä Rámá
1119 Péksi Manjoerá latar poetih
1120 Pëksi Oerang-oerangan irëng
1121 Pëksi Oetér latar poetih
1122 Peksi Orang orangan
1123 Peksi Rodjo
1124 Peksi Sikatan
1125 Pëksi Sikattan latar poetih
1126 Péksi Slènggrëng latar poetih
1127 Peksi Sonder
1128 Pèksi Taman latar poetih
1129 Peksi Tjangkloeng
1130 Pëksi Tjangak latar Poetih
1131 Pëksi Tjatoer latar iréng
1132 Pèksi Ziema
1133 Pèlaboehan Kamal
1134 Pélamboeng.
1135 Peleman latar poetih
1136 Pélëmman latar irèng
1137 Pèlëmman latar poetih
1138 Péndá-Péndá.
1139 Pendeleggan
1140 Péndëléggan latar poetih.
1141 Pendelikan
1142 Péngada
1143 Peni
1144 Perak Sinampan
1145 Pèrang Ménang
1146 Pérang Roesak
1147 PéTji Mayar.
1148 Pilih Asih
1149 Pilih Asih latar poetih
1150 Pinggiran

1151 Pintoe Ráyá.
1152 Pintoe Retno
1153 Pisang Woengkoel
1154 Pisang Bali
1155 Pisang Bali latar iréng
1156 Pisang Bali latar poetih
1157 Pisang Bali.
1158 Pisang Gono
1159 Platoek Bawang
1160 Plentong
1161 Poedak Mekar
1162 Poeng Garoedá
1163 Poengpoengan
1164 Poepá
1165 Poepoeyingan
1166 Poerbá
1167 Poerbákárá
1168 Poerbákoesoemá
1169 Poerbanegara
1170 Poerbanegarä latar irëng.
1171 Poerbaningrat
1172 Poerbaningroem
1173 Poerbaningsih
1174 Poerbáwijáyá
1175 Poerbonegoro
1176 Poerbosari
1177 Poerwo Retno
1178 Poespá Kérná
1179 Poespa Toeoedjoeng latar poetih .
1180 Poespá Wilis
1181 Poesporini
1182 Poe Tjoek Réboeng
1183 Poetri Solo
1184 Pongkang Sèmboja
1185 Pongpongan.
1186 Pontang in va
1187 PonTjot
1188 Potong Wayik
1189 Praboe Anom
1190 Praboe Romo
1191 Praboe Set
1192 Pragi Pringgi.
1193 Pramoegari
1194 Prang
1195 Prènis
1196 Pring Sédapoer.
1197 Pringgádani
1198 Pringgondani
1199 Proklamasi
1200 Radjo oeret

1201 Rägáhinä latar iréng
1202 Rámá gandroeng.
1203 Rámá.
1204 Ramboetan
1205 Ránggá
1206 Ránggá Poespitá.
1207 Ránggá Warsitá.
1208 Rangsang
1209 Rawan
1210 Ráyá Oeret
1211 Règoelá
1212 Régoelá Ngawi
1213 Regoelon
1214 Régoelon latar irëng (zie no hiervoren)
1215 Rëgoelon Siwallan latar poetih
1216 Rèmbang KaTjina
1217 Rémbang Rangoe.
1218 Rémboen.
1219 Réméng
1220 Rënggá latar irëng
1221 Rënggä Poespitä latar iréng
1222 Rengganis
1223 Réngganis latar iréng
1224 Réngganis.
1225 Reni
1226 Reyeng
1227 Ripi koening
1228 Riti riti
1229 Ritik.
1230 Riti-riti latar poetih
1231 Roempoek.
1232 Roeyak Sente ka
1233 Roeyak Sente.
1234 Roeyak Talés.
1235 Roeyak Woeni.
1236 Roeyak Yèroek.
1237 Rogohino
1238 Ron Semanggi
1239 Rondä Widätä latar poetih
1240 Rondo Widata
1241 Ronyokan.
1242 Sabagi
1243 Sábá-láná.
1244 Sákárini
1245 Salah ing Rahim
1246 Salak Sategal
1247 Salak Sategal latar poetih.
1248 Salak Tégal
1249 Salendro.
1250 Salobog.

1251 Sang Kobak
1252 Sang Nágá
1253 Sangga Langit.
1254 Sanggá Lewang.
1255 Sapit Oerang
1256 Sarang Boeroeng
1257 Sarasah
1258 Saroeng Sorotan,
1259 Satrijäwibäwá latar ireng.
1260 Satrio Wibowo Djangkep
1261 Satriyá Laláná.
1262 Satriyá Wibáwá.
1263 Satriyo Manah
1264 Sawah Sakèdok.
1265 Sawat Birowo
1266 Sawat Boekoeran.
1267 Sawat Bomá.
1268 Sawat Gándáwijaya
1269 Sawat Garoedá
1270 Sawat Géde.
1271 Sawat Gendong.
1272 Sawat Goenáwiyá
1273 Sawat Jéngoet.
1274 Sawat Kèmanten.
1275 Sawat Kèmbang.
1276 Sawat Kétandan
1277 Sawat Koepon.
1278 Sawat Loehoer
1279 Sawat Loka
1280 Sawat Manjoerá.
1281 Sawat Megáméndoe
1282 Sawat Ngeni
1283 Sawat Oelá.
1284 Sawat PaTjar
1285 Sawat Pènganten
1286 Sawat Poetro
1287 Sawat Rámá.
1288 Sawat Sálá.
1289 Sawat Sawér
1290 Sawat Séroenen.
1291 Sawat Soewiri Oek
1292 Sawat Soewiri.
1293 Sawat Tjoewiri
1294 Sawat.
1295 Sawen.
1296 Sawo Sémpal latar iréng.
1297 Sawo Sèmpal.
1298 Sawoeng Galing.
1299 Sawoet
1300 Sébagi

1301 Sedah Manyar
1302 Sedah Mirah
1303 Sékar
1304 Sekar Aroem Daloe
1305 Sekar Djambe
1306 Sekar Djati
1307 Sekar Giwang
1308 Sekar Gondoriyo
1309 Sekar Kapas
1310 Sekar KaTjang
1311 Sëkar Katjang latar iréng
1312 Sekar Keben
1313 Sekar Kepel
1314 Sekar Mondoliyo
1315 Sekar Polo
1316 Sekar Ratoe
1317 Sekar Remoedjoeng
1318 Sekar Sidogoeri
1319 Sekar Soekoen
1320 Sekar Soeryo
1321 Sekar Tate
1322 Sekar Teboe
1323 Sekar Teleng
1324 Sekar Temoe
1325 Sekar Waroe
1326 Sélimpèt
1327 Sélobog
1328 Sélobog Asmárád
1329 Sélobog Jántrá
1330 Sèlobog Lar-lar
1331 Sélobog Tjoeken.
1332 Semanggi
1333 Sèmangkan
1334 Semar Mesem
1335 Sëmarangan
1336 Sembagen
1337 Sembagen Anggrek
1338 Sèmbagen Gambir
1339 Sèmbagèn Hoek latar poetih
1340 Sèmbagen Kalong
1341 Sembagen Kembar
1342 Sémbagen Mènor
1343 Sèmbagen Ombak.
1344 Sémbagen Tjèloem
1345 Sèmbagen Tjérip
1346 Sémbagen.
1347 Sémbagi
1348 Sémen
1349 Semen Alit
1350 Sémen Angreni

1351 Sëmèn Antenar latar iréng
1352 Sémen Arjoená W
1353 Sémèn Baitá latar irèng
1354 Semèn Bèloek latar ireng
1355 Sëmèn Dèmpèt latar poetih
1356 Semen Djali
1357 Semen Djlekitit
1358 Semen Djlengoet
1359 Sëmèn Djlëngoet Garoedá latar poetih
1360 Semen Djogdja
1361 Sémèn Djolèn latar poetih
1362 Semen Gagakkan latar irèng
1363 Sèmèn Gédé latar iréng
1364 Sémèn Gëdé wragas poetih
1365 Sèmen Géde.
1366 Sëmèn Gèndong later irëng
1367 Sémen Gendong.
1368 Semen Giwang
1369 Semen Goenoeng
1370 Sémèn Goenoeng latar irèng
1371 Semen Goerdo
1372 Semen Goerdo Raddjo
1373 Semen Hok
1374 Sémen Jaléngoet
1375 Sémèn Jogjá latar irëng
1376 Sèmen Joli
1377 Semen Kagok
1378 Semen Kaloeng
1379 Sémèn Kaloeng latar poetih
1380 Semen Kasoet
1381 Sëmèn Kasoet latar irëng
1382 Sèmèn Katé latar poetih
1383 Semen Kebon
1384 Sëmèn kébon latar iréng
1385 Semen Kemladeyan
1386 Semen Keong
1387 Semen Kidang
1388 Semen Kipas
1389 Sèmèn Kipas latar irèng
1390 Semen Kladoek
1391 Sèmen Klawer
1392 Sëmèn Klèwèr latar poetih
1393 Sëmèn Koekilä latar iréng
1394 Semen Koekilo
1395 Sëmèn Koemboel latar irén g
1396 Semen Koeroeng Latar Poetih
1397 Sëmén Koewas latar poetih
1398 Semèn Kroen latar poetih
1399 Sëmèn Kroton latar poetih
1400 Semen Ladjoer

1401 Semen Loe
1402 Semen Lombok
1403 Sémèn Lombok latar irëng
1404 Sémèn Malèbari latar poetih
1405 Semèn Manjoera latar poetih
1406 Semen Menoro
1407 Semen Moelwo
1408 Semen Ngreni
1409 Sëmèn Ngrèni latar ireng
1410 Semen Oewer
1411 Sémèn Pèrsi latar iréng
1412 Sëmèn Pété latar poetih
1413 Sémèn Poering latar poetih
1414 Sémèn Poetér latar irëng
1415 Semen Pot
1416 Sëmèn Pot latar irëng
1417 Sémèn Praboe latar poetih,
1418 Sëmèn Prit latar poetih
1419 Semen Ragas
1420 Sëmèn Rámá latar poetih
1421 Sémen Rámá.
1422 Sémen Ranggas.
1423 Semen Rayoeng
1424 Semen Redjoenowidjoyo
1425 Sémen Réméng
1426 Sëmen Rëmëng latar irëng
1427 Sèmen Réngga
1428 Semen Roegos
1429 Semen Romo
1430 Semen Samoet
1431 Sèmen Sandi
1432 Semen Sawoet
1433 Semen Semeroe
1434 Semen Sidodadi
1435 Semen Sinom
1436 Sëmèn Sinom latar iréng
1437 Semen Sinto
1438 Semen Sirap
1439 Semen Slendri
1440 Sëmèn Sligi latar irëng
1441 Semen Sonder
1442 Sémen Sorásari
1443 Sémèn Srowot latar irëng
1444 Semen Tjoeboeng
1445 Semen Tjondro
1446 Sèmen èloeki
1447 Sémen Tjándrä.
1448 Sémen Tjélèkiti
1449 Sëmèn Tjèplokkan latar jrëng
1450 Sémen Tjilik

1451 Sémen Tjoewiri,
1452 Sémèn Tjondrä latar poetih
1453 Sëmèn Tjonil latar iréng
1454 Semen Tloetoer
1455 Sémen Tokol
1456 Sèmen Tritis
1457 Sèmèn Tritis latar poetih
1458 Semen Wose
1459 Sémèroe latar irëng
1460 Semoe Liris
1461 Sèmoekirang
1462 Sénggoeh
1463 Senggrang Nágás
1464 Senggreng 18
1465 Séprantoe
1466 Sérasah
1467 Sérasah Kébar,
1468 Sérasah Tjara M
1469 Seret.
1470 Seroem Wayang
1471 Seroenen
1472 Sèroeni Landak.
1473 Seto Koemiter
1474 Sidá Loehoer latar irëng
1475 Sidä Rëdjä latar poetih
1476 Sidagoeri.
1477 Sidämoekti latar irëng
1478 Sidangan
1479 Sido Asih
1480 Sido Loehoer
1481 Sido Loewoeng
1482 Sido Moekti
1483 Sido Moelyo
1484 Sidodadi
1485 Sidogori
1486 Sidokarso
1487 Sidoredjo
1488 Sidowoeyoeng
1489 Simá Ngalih
1490 Sinyang Giro.
1491 Sirah Gloendoengan
1492 Sirah Gloendoengan latar irëng
1493 Sirapan
1494 Sirappan latar irèng
1495 Sisirangan
1496 Slènggréng latar poetih
1497 Slobok
1498 Slobok Djamang
1499 Slobok Djamang latar irëng.
1500 Slobok Sekar Asem

1501 Slobok Sékar Asém latar ireng.
1502 Slobok Tjoekèn latar poetih.
1503 Slobrak
1504 Sobrah
1505 Sobrah latar iréng.
1506 Sobrah latar poetih
1507 Sobrang Gending
1508 Sobrang latar poetih
1509 Soebagi
1510 Soekmá Angén
1511 Soekowati
1512 Soelaman
1513 Soelamman latar iréng
1514 Soemäningrat latar irëng.
1515 Soemarsáná latar iréng
1516 Soemarsono
1517 Soemayar.
1518 Soembar Lintang
1519 Soemèdang.
1520 Soemping
1521 SoendoeI Langit.
1522 Soepit Kèpiting.
1523 Soepit Oerang
1524 Soepit Oerang latar iréng.
1525 Soeri Yáwá
1526 Soewiri
1527 Sogan Yéne
1528 Sogokan
1529 Sokorini
1530 Songgälangit latar poetih
1531 Sonyang
1532 Sorasari
1533 Sorasari Goemyoer
1534 Sorot
1535 Sorotan
1536 Srengengen
1537 Sri Dento
1538 Sri Koen Tjoro
1539 Sri Noegroho
1540 Sri Redjeki
1541 Sri Soewelo
1542 Sri Wedari
1543 Sri Wedari Tjeplok
1544 Sri Widadi
1545 Sriasih
1546 Sridadi
1547 Sridéntá
1548 Sridéntá Yoemáp
1549 Srigading latar irëng.
1550 Sriganti

1551 Srikandi. 1880.
1552 Srikaton
1553 Srikoyo
1554 Sripénah190
1555 Sriyatno
1556 Sroeni Landak latar irëng
1557 Talépokan
1558 Taloeki
1559 Tambal
1560 Tambal Kanomman.
1561 Tambal latar irëng.
1562 Tambal Miring.
1563 Tandjoeng Anom
1564 Tandjoeng Goenoeng
1565 Tanyoeng Beyo.
1566 Tapak Koetjing latar iréng
1567 Tapih KéTjil
1568 Tapih Sérasah.
1569 Tapih Talèpokan
1570 Tapih Tjinde.
1571 Taplak Latar Poetih
1572 Tarate
1573 Taroek Hata
1574 Taroepala
1575 Tatagati
1576 Tatit latar poetih
1577 Tatit Sawat
1578 Tjabe Rawit
1579 Tjakar Melik
1580 Tjakar Wok
1581 Tjakrawati
1582 Tjampoer Sari
1583 Tjandi Sastro
1584 Tjandra Koela
1585 Tjangklet
1586 Tjemoekiran Oosthoek
1587 Tjemoekiran Solo
1588 Tjemoekiran Yogya
1589 Tjenderawasih
1590 Tjendhani
1591 Tjepaka Moelya
1592 Tjepaka Sari
1593 Tjeplok Baris Kondoer
1594 Tjeplok Bibis
1595 Tjeplok Bintaroeng
1596 Tjeplok Birowo
1597 Tjeplok Blibar
1598 Tjeplok Djanoer Wendho
1599 Tjeplok Djloedjoet Roentoeng
1600 Tjeplok Ganggong

1601 Tjeplok Goesti Poetri
1602 Tjeplok Grameh
1603 Tjeplok Gringsing
1604 Tjeplok Kaos
1605 Tjeplok Kasatriyan
1606 Tjeplok Kawoeng Ningrat
1607 Tjeplok Kelan
1608 Tjeplok KeTji
1609 Tjeplok Kitiran
1610 Tjeplok Koesnia
1611 Tjeplok Koewari
1612 Tjeplok KoTji
1613 Tjeplok Kridodekso
1614 Tjeplok Lestari
1615 Tjeplok Loeng Kastlop
1616 Tjeplok Madoebronto
1617 Tjeplok Madoesari
1618 Tjeplok Manggis
1619 Tjeplok Mekar
1620 Tjeplok Melati
1621 Tjeplok Mendoet
1622 Tjeplok Moealangsih
1623 Tjeplok Moendoe
1624 Tjeplok Oentoek Banyoe
1625 Tjeplok Onde onde
1626 Tjeplok Pandiliran
1627 Tjeplok Paripoerno
1628 Tjeplok Pergiwo
1629 Tjeplok Pintoe Retno
1630 Tjeplok Poerbo Negoro
1631 Tjeplok Poewoko
1632 Tjeplok Proboaroem
1633 Tjeplok Renggo Poespito
1634 Tjeplok Sarimadoe
1635 Tjeplok Sekti Bali
1636 Tjeplok Sidomoen Tjoel
1637 Tjeplok Sidowayah
1638 Tjeplok Soebosito
1639 Tjeplok Soekoreno
1640 Tjeplok Soesilo
1641 Tjeplok Sriwedari
1642 Tjeplok Tata Gati
1643 Tjeplok Tjakrakoesoema
1644 Tjeplok Trenggiling
1645 Tjeplok Wibowo
1646 Tjeplok Widoro Laoet
1647 Tjeplok Wora wari
1648 Tjepoko Moelya
1649 Tjindelaras
1650 Tjloentang

1651 Tjoerigo
1652 Tjoewiri
1653 Tjoewiri Djogdjo
1654 Tjoewiri Gembel
1655 Tjoewiri Kartiko
1656 Tjoewiri Solo
1657 Tjokro Wibowo
1658 Tjokrobowo
1659 Tjokrokoesoemo
1660 Tjorang Tjakrik
1661 Tebeng
1662 Tëbëng latar iréng
1663 Teblem
1664 Tedjomaya
1665 Tèkek Koeroeng
1666 TèlaTjap
1667 TèlaTjap Kékémb
1668 TèlaTjap Loengloe
1669 TèlaTjap Saroeng
1670 Telekoen Angrem
1671 Tëlëkoen Angrëm latar poetih
1672 Télépoekan
1673 Tèloeken
1674 Téloeki
1675 Téloeki Tjendol.
1676 Tèrang
1677 Terang Boelan
1678 Tërang Boelan latar poetih
1679 Terongan
1680 Thoembs
1681 Tilar sa
1682 Ting latar poetih
1683 Tirtätèdja latar irëng
1684 Tirtotedjo
1685 Tjakar Ayam
1686 Tjakar latar irëng
1687 Tjakar Mélik latar ireng
1688 Tjakar Wok latar irëng
1689 Tjákrá
1690 Tjákrá Koesoemá.
1691 Tjakra Latar ireng.
1692 Tjakrakoemá latar iréng.
1693 Tjákräwála latar irëng.
1694 TjalaTjap
1695 Tjaloentang
1696 Tjampoer Bawoer.
1697 Tjándrá.
1698 Tjangapan
1699 Tjangklet
1700 Tjangkring

1701 Tjanklët latar poetih
1702 Tjap Kèyen
1703 Tjap Limar
1704 TjaTjing Sépiri
1705 Tjèbongan latar iréng.
1706 Tjeleng Kawénge
1707 Tjeleng Krokot.
1708 Tjeleng Mogok.
1709 Tjémárä
1710 Tjémékirang
1711 Tjémpáká
1712 Tjèmpáká Gondok
1713 Tjémpáká Kayon.
1714 Tjémpáká Moelyá
1715 Tjèmpaloekan
1716 Tjentel
1717 Tjepiring
1718 Tjèplok
1719 Tjéplok Bajém latar poetih.
1720 Tjéplok Banyi.
1721 Tjéplok Baroya
1722 Tjéplok Bendi
1723 Tjéplok Bintangan latar ireng.
1724 Tjéplok Bintara
1725 Tjëplok Bintaroem latar irëng
1726 Tjéplok Bogém.
1727 Tjèplok Danoerèd
1728 Tjèplok éndog.
1729 Tjéplok éntoeng.
1730 Tjéplok époen
1731 Tjèplok Goerameh
1732 Tjeplok Gori latar iréng.
1733 Tjeplok Gramèh latar ireng.
1734 Tjéplok Gringsi
1735 Tjèplok Kèdá
1736 Tjeplok Këlan latar poetih.
1737 Tjeplok Kénari latar ireng.
1738 Tjèplok KeTji.
1739 Tjeplok Koeroeng latar irëng
1740 Tjëplok Koesniä latar poetih.
1741 Tjéplok Koewari latar poetih.
1742 Tjeplok Kotji latar irëng.
1743 Tjéplok Lintang
1744 Tjèplok Liring.
1745 Tjèplok Manggis
1746 Tjeplok Manggis latar irëng
1747 Tjëplok Mendoet latar poetih
1748 Tjèplok Ménoer.
1749 Tjéplok Mlindjo latar poetih.
1750 Tjëplok Moendoe latar ireng.

1751 Tjéplok Ondé-ondé.
1752 Tjeplok Pálá latar poetih.
1753 Tjéplok Piring.
1754 Tjèplok Pohon
1755 Tjéplok PoTji.
1756 Tjéplok Praksi.
1757 Tjeplok Ranté latar poetih
1758 Tjëplok Sawo latar irëng.
1759 Tjeplok Setlop latar poetih.
1760 Tjéplok Slobok latar iréng.
1761 Tjéplok Tahoe.
1762 Tjèplok Tebok.
1763 Tjéplok Téloeki.
1764 Tjeplok Timang latar poetih.
1765 Tjéplok Tjangki
1766 Tjépoek Rante
1767 Tjépoek Rémoek
1768 Tjéréméndé latar iréng.
1769 Tjinde latar ireng
1770 Tjindé Wilis latar irëng.
1771 Tjinde Wilis.
1772 Tjinden
1773 Tjipta Rèngga.
1774 Tjitá, Tjitah.
1775 Tjloentang latar ireng.
1776 Tjoemèngkirang.
1777 Tjoewiri
1778 Tjoewiri latar irëng
1779 Tjokrak Tjakrik latar irëng
1780 Tloeki
1781 Tloeki latar poetih
1782 Toempal
1783 Toempal Kampoeng
1784 Toempal Koepoe
1785 Toempal Lintang
1786 Toendjoeng Karoban
1787 Toendjoeng Karobban latar irëng.
1788 Toendjoeng Rante latar irëng
1789 Toendjoeng Tirtä latar irèng
1790 Toendjoeng Tirto
1791 Toenjoeng
1792 Toenjoeng Karoba
1793 Toenjoeng Madoerá
1794 Toenjoeng Manoek.
1795 Toeronggo Djati
1796 Trang Boelan
1797 Trang Lintang.
1798 Trate
1799 Trate Kémbang
1800 Trate Koeroeng

 These days, we may haven't heard some of the patterns above because they are extinct. It is our job to save the remaining motifs. Anyway, what kind of motifs do you like most? Please share with us about your favorite Batik's motifs.
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